Help us reach our annual program budget goal of $15,000!

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Your one-time gifts are a critical component for supporting young people as they launch goodness projects for Detroit and the whole world.

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Sustaining donors get behind the scenes updates, special downloadable resources and more for as little as $1/month.

Give Monthly

Monthly givers create sustainability for our organization and make it possible for 100% of direct project donations to be used by students for creating goodness. Patrons also receive special access to our resources and updates via PATREON.COM


Make a bunch of people’s day with a Taco Tuesday, Insomnia or Coffeehouse sponsorship!


These one-time gifts of $200 will each sponsor one 2-hour, food-based, 50-student outreach on campuses across Metro Detroit. Your name or the name of the organization or ministry you represent will be shared on signs for that day.

Sponsor Treats

Covenant With Us

Motor City Wesley seeks churches, faith communities and other organizations who care about the spiritual well-being of young adults across Metro Detroit. Become a Covenant Partner today to make significant investments in the lives of young people and the faith-filled impact they have in the world.